Muffler group

Muffler group

As UCASLAR, we have achieved a great balance of quality and variety for Caterpillar® and Komatsu® products included the exhaust system with our years of experience. 

The exhaust groups that you will see below are some examples of the production of elbows and heat shields.

  • Silencers,

  • Elbows,

  • Exhaust parts,

  • Heat Shields.

Superior quality exhaust elbows under the control and supervision of UCASLAR Engineers are designed to improve engine performance by providing the best and smooth airflow. UCASLAR exhaust silencers are presented to you with the most suitable raw materials and technical characteristics that will reduce noise according to the model and type of your work machine.

Our hjeat shields absorb the excessive heat generated by the engine with the highest quality material and protect the heat sensitive components in your work machine. Its protection has been proven for highly critical parts.


To view our entire part list please click here and check out our store.
